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GEP-3539: ClusterIP Gateway - Gateway API to Expose Pods on Cluster-Internal IP Address

  • Issue: #3539
  • Status: Memorandum


Gateway API enables advanced traffic routing and can be used to expose a logical set of pods on a single IP address within a cluster. With some changes, it could be used as a next generation ClusterIP Service replacement, providing more flexibility and composability than the existing Service API.

This comes at the expense of some additional configuration and manageability burden, but we believe that the additional value gained is worth the cost.


  • Define Gateway API usage to accomplish ClusterIP Service style behavior
  • Propose DNS layout and record format for ClusterIP Gateway
  • Extend the use of Gateway API to provide NodePort and LoadBalancer Service type of functionality


  • Make significant changes to Gateway API
  • Provide path for existing ClusterIP Services in a cluster to migrate to Gateway API model

API Changes Summary

  • EndpointSelector is recognized as a backend
  • DNS record format for ClusterIP Gateways


Gateway API provides a generic and composable model for defining L4 and L7 routing in Kubernetes. Very simply, it describes how to get traffic into pods. ClusterIP provides similar functionality of an ingress point for routing traffic into pods. As the Gateway API has evolved, there have been discussions around whether it can be a substitute for the increasingly complex and overloaded Service API. This document aims to describe what this could look like in practice, with a focus on ClusterIP and a brief commentary on how the concept design can be extended to accommodate LoadBalancer and NodePort Services.


Gateway API can be thought of as decomposing Service API into multiple separable components that allow for definition of the ClusterIP address and listener configuration (Gateway resource), implementation specifics and common configuration (GatewayClass resource), and routing traffic to backends (Route resource).

Limitations of Service API

Besides what has been discussed in the past about Service API maintainability, evolvability, and complexity concerns, see:, we ran into additional practical concerns that rendered Service API insufficient for the needs at hand.

Service IPs can only be assigned out of the ServiceCIDR range configured for the API server. While Kubernetes 1.31 added a Beta feature that allows for the Extension of Service IP Ranges, there have been use cases where multi-NIC pods (pods with multiple network interfaces) require the flexibility of specifying different ServiceCIDR ranges to be used for ClusterIP services corresponding to the multiple different networks. There are strict traffic splitting and network isolation requirements that demand non-overlapping ServiceCIDR ranges for per-network ClusterIP service groups. Because of the way service definition and IP address allocation are tightly coupled in API server, it is not possible to use the current Service API to achieve this model without resorting to inelegant and klugey implementations.

Gateway API also satisfies, in a user-friendly and uncomplicated manner, the need for advanced routing and load balancing capabilities in order to enable canary rollouts, weighted traffic distribution, isolation of access and configuration.

Service Model to Gateway API Model

image displaying service model to gateway api model mapping

EndpointSelector as Backend

A Route can forward traffic to the endpoints selected via selector rules defined in EndpointSelector. While Service is the default resource kind of the referent in backendRef, EndpointSelector is suggested as an example of a custom resource that implementations could have to attach pods (or potentially other resource kinds) directly to a Route via backendRef.

kind: TCPRoute
  name: service-route
  - name: example-cluster-ip-gateway
    sessionAffinity: false
    - kind: EndpointSelector
      port: 8080
      name: front-end-pods
      weight: 100

The EndpointSelector object is defined as follows. It allows the user to specify which endpoints should be targeted for the Route.

kind: EndpointSelector
  name: front-end-pods
  kind: Pod
  - key: app
    value: frontend
    operator: In 

To allow more granular control over traffic routing, there have been discussions around adding support for using Kubernetes resources besides Service (or external endpoints) directly as backendRefs. Gateway API allows for this flexibility, so having a generic EndpointSelector resource supported as a backendRef would be a good evolutionary step.

User Journey

Infrastructure provider supplies a GatewayClass corresponding to the type of service-like behavior to be supported.

Below is the example of a GatewayClass for ClusterIP support:

kind: GatewayClass
  name: cluster-ip
  controllerName: "cluster-ip-controller"

The user must then create a Gateway in order to configure and enable the behavior as per their intent:

kind: Gateway
  name: example-cluster-ip-gateway
  gatewayClassName: cluster-ip
  - name: example-service
    protocol: TCP
    port: 8080
      - kind: TCPRoute/CustomRoute

By default, IP address(es) from a pool specified by a CIDR block will be assigned unless a static IP is configured in the addresses field as shown above. The CIDR block may be configured using a custom CR. Subject to further discussion, it may make sense to have a GatewayCIDR resource available upstream to specify an IP address range for Gateway IP allocation.

Finally the specific Route and EndpointSelector resources must be created in order to set up the backend pods for the configured ClusterIP.

kind: TCPRoute/CustomRoute
  name: service-route
  - name: example-cluster-ip-gateway
    sessionAffinity: false
    - kind: EndpointSelector
port: 8080
name: exampleapp-app-pods
kind: EndpointSelector
  name: exampleapp-app-pods
  - key: app
    value: exampleapp
    operator: In  

Backends on Listeners

As seen above, Gateway API requires at least three CRs to be defined. This introduces some complexity. GEP-1713 proposes the addition of a ListenerSet resource to allow sets of listeners to attach to a Gateway. As a part of discussions around this topic, the idea of directly adding backendRefs to listeners has come up. Allowing backendRefs directly on the listeners eliminates the need to have Route objects for simple cases. More complex traffic splitting and advanced load balancing cases can still use Route attachments via allowedRoutes.


ClusterIP Gateways in the cluster need to have consistent DNS names assigned to allow ClusterIP lookup by name rather than IP address. DNS A and/or AAAA record creation needs to happen when Kubernetes publishes information about Gateways, in a manner similar to ClusterIP Service creation behavior. DNS nameservers in pods’ /etc/resolv.conf need to be programmed accordingly by kubelet.

<name of gateway>.<gateway-namespace>.gw.cluster.local

This results in the following search option entries in Pods’ /etc/resolv.conf:

search <ns>.gw.cluster.local  gw.cluster.local  cluster.local

Cross-namespace References

Gateway API allows for Routes in different namespaces to attach to the Gateway.

When modeling ClusterIP service networking, the simplest recommendation might be to keep Gateway and Routes within the same namespace. While cross namespace routing would work and allow for evolved functionality, it may make supporting certain cases tricky. One specific example for this case is the pod DNS resolution support of the following format

If Gateway and Routes (and hence the backing pods) are in different namespaces, there arises ambiguity in whether and how to support this pod DNS resolution format.

LoadBalancer and NodePort Services

Extending the concept further to LoadBalancer and NodePort type services follows a similar pattern. The idea is to have a GatewayClass corresponding to each type of service networking behavior that needs to be modeled and supported.

image displaying gatewayclasses to represent different service types

Note that Gateway API allows flexibility and clear separation of concerns so that one would not need to configure cluster-ip and node-port when configuring a load-balancer.

But for completeness, the case shown below demonstrates how load balancer functionality analogous to LoadBalancer Service API can be achieved using Gateway API.

image displaying LB Service API analogous GW API objects

Additional Service API Features

Services natively provide additional features as listed below (not an exhaustive list). Gateway API can be extended to provide some of these features natively, while others may be left up to the specifics of implementations.

Feature ServiceAPI options Gateway API possibilities
sessionAffinity ClientIP
Route level
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts True
Not supported for ClusterIP Gateway
Supported for LoadBalancer Gateway
externalIPs List of externalIPs for service Not supported?
externalTrafficPolicy Local
Supported for LB Gateways only, Route level
internalTrafficPolicy Local
Supported for ClusterIP Gateways only, Route level
ipFamily IPv4
Route level
publishNotReadyAddresses True
Route or EndpointSelector level
ClusterIP (headless service) IPAddress
GatewayClass definition for Headless Service type
externalName External name reference
(e.g. DNS CNAME)
GatewayClass definition for ExternalName Service type
